Category Archives: Family and friends

Dawn chorus

The swifts are back! They have been screeching loudly as they swerve and swoop over our heads. Little Owl and I went on an early morning outing with our local Wildlife Trust on Sunday to hear the dawn chorus. It … Continue reading

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Boomerang jobs

Sometimes it feels like Big Dreamer and I are trapped in an episode of Fawlty Towers on a loop. We canโ€™t seem to do any jobs around the house without them boomeranging right round and pinging us in the head … Continue reading

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Did you have a lovely Easter? We did. Highlights for me were a meadow full of delicate white and purple fritillaries here in Devon, and banks of wood anemones like little white stars in a wooded glen in Yorkshire. I … Continue reading

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Transforming Conflict

Here’s a piece of work I did back in February for the Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution (SCCR) for their annual conference called Transforming Conflict. This illustration was massively inspired by a wonderful piece of film created by Felipe Bustos … Continue reading

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In like a lion…

March has been all lion down our way (if you hold with the old saying that is). Weโ€™ve had endless grey skies and blustery winds. All my daffodils are bent at right angles. In the fields towards the mouth of … Continue reading

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A booky inheritance

I was recently given a book that belonged to my Great Grandfather. I never knew him so it was like a hand reached out of the past and gave mine a firm shake. From photographs of him I imagine he … Continue reading

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February flowers

The morning Storm Doris blew in I’d put the washing on the line. I heard the news and promptly brought it back in again. Apart from being very windy we seemed to get off lightly. Although we did have a … Continue reading

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Half term

Half term ambushed me from out of nowhere. I was merrily making my way through the term when it suddenly leapt out from nowhere and held me hostage. I was forced to bake heart-shaped biscuits, build extensive train set layouts, … Continue reading

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Sunshine, flowers and…hackers

First of all I would like to apologise profusely for an expletive laden message that was posted to my blog yesterday afternoon. As you have probably already guessed, I was hacked. A big thank you to some dedicated blog readers … Continue reading

Posted in Family and friends, Wildlife | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Picture Books 2016

Every year I get a lot pleasure out of buying picture books for Christmas for the kids. It’s a real joy to look at what has been published over the last twelve months and to take time to peruse the … Continue reading

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