Category Archives: Family and friends

Almond Shortbread

The river banks are full of the frothy plumes of Meadowsweet which scents the air with the smell of almond shortbread. I have been making the effort to try and walk home from work now and again. At three and … Continue reading

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Underground squirrels

Little Owl was wondering aloud over dinner, who was in charge of our house. Apparently they had always thought it was mummy, but then mummy got herself locked in at the allotment and daddy had to rescue her, so it … Continue reading

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A peaceful lull

The children have finished school for the Easter holidays and I have handed in my last assignment for my course. I have the promise of a job with the district nursing team I have been working with, once I get … Continue reading

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Daffodil meadows

The allotment is a Brexit-free zone. On Saturday, one of the volunteer coordinators was fiercely enforcing it.  As I planted my potatoes, I could hear her shout periodically, “I can hear you. None of that Brexit stuff round here please!” … Continue reading

Posted in Countryside, Family and friends, Growing things, Wildlife | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Flying man

The old Rule of Three myth worked out well for us. Finch bumped his head again this week and for the fourth time a giant egg swelled on his forehead. It was in the same spot as the very first, … Continue reading

Posted in Family and friends, Illustration, Making changes | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments


The rain is pouring from the sky in torrents. On the allotment I lost a compost bin lid and the downpipe on my shed to the wind, but thankfully the greenhouse has come through with no ill-effects. Upstairs Finch is … Continue reading

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Wren turned three at the weekend. I have been packing away her old clothes into bags to be passed onto my niece but goodness, I did feel funny about it. With each passing year the clothes get bigger and she’s … Continue reading

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There was much cackling and hooting coming from Little Owl’s bedroom the other morning. I heard Little Owl shout, “Look how fluffy I made her hair!” This was followed by shrieks of laughter. Then I heard Finch say, “Let’s see how … Continue reading

Posted in Family and friends, Making changes | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Stars and snow

We dodged gritter lorries on our way home from Brownies this evening. In the icy darkness we counted the stars and pointed out Orion’s belt. The radio news reports are full of snow in Scotland and the North of England. … Continue reading

Posted in Countryside, Family and friends, Growing things, Wildlife | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Picture Books 2018

I woke up one morning over the weekend and peered out bleary-eyed from under my duvet. The room was dark and nothing stirred, but something had definitely woken me up. As my eyes adjusted to the dimness they came to rest … Continue reading

Posted in Family and friends, Illustration | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment