Category Archives: Family and friends

Baton down the hatches!

Here is a picture of a snug blanket Little Owl received from Big Dreamer’s mum this weekend. It couldn’t have been a better timed present either! As the tail end of Hurricane Katia sweeps over Scotland the weather here can … Continue reading

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The Scottish Mining Museum

My parents are staying with us at the moment and yesterday Little Owl and I took them for an outing to the Scottish Mining Museum. I have drawn one of the coal trucks for you. I find industrial typography irresistible. … Continue reading

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I think we caught the last day of Scottish summer yesterday. We took a trip up to Fife with two of my friends from college and enjoyed the most beautiful sunshine. We headed to Crail first, then made our way … Continue reading

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So many shows so little time!

Here is a sketch of some of the carrots Little Owl and I pulled up from our garden the other day. Aren’t they wonderful shapes? Who could eat straight ones after seeing these?! The carroty smell as we unearthed them … Continue reading

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Welcome back Pia!

Tomorrow my lovely class mate Pia returns from her native Switzerland to the land of the Scots, so here are the answers to her competition: No. 1 Cowgate from South Bridge. No.2 Jenner’s Department Store. The Illusionist does some magic … Continue reading

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Pia’s Competition No.9

I am sat on a sofa next to my fabulous friend Rafe, who is groaning at the cricket on the TV that the umpire has unquestionably made a terrible decision. Little Owl and I have traveled south to visit friends and family … Continue reading

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Home-grown Potatoes

It has been a beautiful moody Borders morning here. Little Owl and I drove over the moor for Toddler Group, rattling over the cattle grids and dodging sheep. The sun shone through gaps in the clouds, flitting over the landscape. … Continue reading

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Pia’s Competition No.8

This is the penultimate instalment of Pia’s competition as she will be returning to sunny Scotland at the beginning of August. Where is this in Edinburgh?

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Thank goodness for Tupperware!

We travelled home today along the A68. It follows the route of an old roman road so you can see it rising and falling over the landscape ahead of you in a dead straight line for miles. It also covers … Continue reading

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Pia’s Competition No.7

Here is the next instalment of Pia’s competition in honour of my swiss friend from college who is back home for the summer. Where is this in Edinburgh? Sorry, this one is very dark but hopefully you should still be … Continue reading

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