Tag Archives: Pia

Pia’s Competition No.9

I am sat on a sofa next to my fabulous friend Rafe, who is groaning at the cricket on the TV that the umpire has unquestionably made a terrible decision. Little Owl and I haveย traveledย south to visit friends and family … Continue reading

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Pia’s Competition No.8

This is the penultimate instalment of Pia’s competition as she will be returning to sunny Scotland at the beginning of August. Where is this in Edinburgh?

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Pia’s Competition No.7

Here is the next instalment of Pia’s competition in honour of my swiss friend from college who is back home for the summer. Where is this in Edinburgh? Sorry, this one is very dark but hopefully you should still be … Continue reading

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Pia’s Competition no.6

Pia’s competition continues! Here is the latest photo. Dad, you can give your answer now. Little Owl and I were listening to the Reith Lectures this morning as we did the washing up. As you may already know this year’s … Continue reading

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Pia’s Competition No. 3, 4 & 5

We are off on our summer holidays this evening. Little Owl will be bathed and put to bed in the car and then we’ll begin our slow migration south. Hence I am releasing the next three instalments of Pia’s competition … Continue reading

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Pia’s Competition No.2

Here is the second instalment of Pia’s competition. It’s a bit of holiday fun to remind her of Scotland but you can join in too. Where is this in Edinburgh? It’s quite a tricky one so I’ll give you a … Continue reading

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Pia’s Competition No.1

It’s a glorious evening in the Borders this evening. I sat on the back steps surveying our knee-high grass (all that rain!) and listening to a blackbird singing its heart out from a cherry tree in the main farm garden. … Continue reading

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