Category Archives: Family and friends


This year I have decided to be better at lists. Don’t get me wrong, I love lists, and I’m pretty good at them. But my lists are almost exclusively for everyday jobs and chores. I have weekly to-do lists. I … Continue reading

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Writing on walls

Despite the wet and wild weather we had a lovely half term and a great trip to London. Here is Finch and his cousin scrawling on a giant chalkboard at the South Bank Centre. When Finch saw it, he couldn’t … Continue reading

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Duke of York

I have gone with Duke of York for my new potatoes again this year. Despite initial reservations they were delicious last year, and much better than the Charlottes I tried the year before, which are always so nice from the … Continue reading

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Picture Books 2019

In my fit of gardening optimism, Finch and I went to the allotment to clean the greenhouse at the weekend. Okay, it didn’t go quite like that. I cleaned the greenhouse and Finch made obstacle courses for woodlice in the … Continue reading

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Happy New Year!

The festive holidays were bookended by headlice and a stomach bug. In between I didn’t have much of a break, juggling nursing with another round of edits. Still, we had a lovely time seeing family and friends. I think we … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas

At the weekend we completed our annual ritual of walk in the woods, sausage sandwiches in a twinkly barn, and Christmas tree purchase from the Dartmoor Park Rangers. Once home, we put on some Christmas tunes, fired up the wood … Continue reading

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As you can see Finch has been working hard on his Christmas cards. Each one has had extensive illustration work done throughout. It’s taken him a loooong time but finally they are ready to go out to his classmates. In … Continue reading

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The rain has finally stopped, and given way to frost, ice and spectacular wintery skies. A flock of long-tailed tits flew into the garden the other morning as I hung out the washing. They gathered on the Japanese maple, chattering … Continue reading

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I managed to catch a dry spell last week and headed to the allotment to dig up the last of my root vegetables and plant some more field beans for green manure. A little robin followed me around, pouncing on … Continue reading

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First frost

We woke this morning to the first frost of the season, the clothes I had forgotten to bring in yesterday, frozen to the washing line. It’s a welcome change to all the rain we’ve been having. I might finally get … Continue reading

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