Category Archives: Family and friends


The temperature has dropped. There are reports of snow up on the moors. I have a little scrap of thin plastic attached to my NHS issue raincoat which is supposedly a hood. It doesn’t do much to protect me from … Continue reading

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Crackle and sputter

The rain stopped and the clouds cleared just in time for our bonfire night celebrations on Saturday. We snuggled up around the fire in my mum and dad’s garden, fingers warmed by mugs of hot soup. In the distance fireworks … Continue reading

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Tin Coast

Having grown up in a seaside town I have a pathological aversion to anything touristy so Cornwall has never really appealed. I went on a school trip to St Ives once, and I’ve been through Cornwall lots of times to … Continue reading

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Heralding the sun

It is dark now when I head out on my bike in the mornings. I nearly tripped over the hedgehog in the middle of the lawn this morning. I think we both gave each other quite a shock. By the … Continue reading

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Wet girl

At the weekend we watched the surging grey seas smash onto the rocks as we climbed up to the top of the cliffs at Sidmouth and I made a mental note to pack extra sets of clothes for Little Owl’s … Continue reading

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Three Brown Eggs

The weather has taken an autumnal turn this week just as the children have gone back to school. One of my patients sent them each a brown egg from her hens to start the term. I was unsure whether to … Continue reading

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Yesterday evening, from the back door, I watched a cloudburst of summer rain fall. The door was wide open to let the steam out of the kitchen. Big Dreamer had a vat of bubbling jam on the hob. It was … Continue reading

Posted in Family and friends, Growing things | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Home again

We are not long back from dropping Little Owl off at her Summer Sport’s Camp. Wren hummed merrily from under the pushchair rain hood while Finch was only a flicker of bright yellow mac whizzing along on his bike in … Continue reading

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Vegetable robots

Little Owl won third place for her vegetable robot at the Allotment Association Show last weekend. Her’s was the cucumber one. She won a whole pound coin in prize money. Finch’s chest heaved as he wrestled with his pride of … Continue reading

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There was a time, with small children, where I felt as though I was in continual scrapes. Some of them were so ridiculous and laughable that I half expected a candid camera crew to jump out. I’ve written about a … Continue reading

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