Category Archives: Family and friends

The three piggy kings

Yesterday was Little Owl’s Christmas play. It was based on a bit of a complex premis…Fairyland does the nativity. Little Red Riding was Mary, Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk was Joseph, and the Three Little Pigs were the Three … Continue reading

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The advent thief

Little Owl has had this advent calendar since she was born. It has drawers that I fill up with sweets and we read a bit of the Christmas story each time we open a drawer. It goes on the table … Continue reading

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Warp drive

Big Dreamer succumbed to the lurgy on Wednesday and got sent home from work. He pads around after me looking mournful. It drives me mad because there is just nothing to be done with him. I also feel like I’m … Continue reading

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Father Christmas vacancy

This morning was bright and frosty. Ollie the new sheepdog puppy was tearing around the farmyard. She has earned herself the name of ‘The Mouth on Legs’ for her propensity to chew everything in her path. This is a piece I’ve been … Continue reading

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Christmas Star

It’s not like me to sing the praises of Tesco. Especially when they do that labelling thing where I think I’ve bought a ham for £4.99 when it was actually £4.99/kg but I was too busy wrestling a 3 year … Continue reading

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Lardy Cake

This morning is bright and crisp. The washing is on the line. Lorries have been trundling in and out of the farm yard. They are here to collect some cattle. Have any of you ever heard of Lardy cake? When … Continue reading

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A day for remembering

At the top of the farm the low sun illuminated the golds and bronzes of the long grasses. The sky was lilac and the wintery sun elongated our bodies in leggy shadows across the fields. It felt like a day … Continue reading

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Bonfire Night

Here are some burning sparks from our bonfire on saturday. After last year’s unfolding disaster with the cinder toffee I didn’t bother with it this year (read about it here, here, and here). I did return to Delia Smith’s Parkin recipe … Continue reading

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Christmas stock

Yes, it’s that time of year again…the countdown to Christmas has begun! Big Dreamer’s mum texted the family to let us all know she was stirring the Christmas cake (we do the cake rather than the pudding in our family) … Continue reading

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I’m not much of a fan of Halloween. As a child with a vivid imagination I could never control my fears enough to find them entertaining. It was always pure terror or nothing. Now an adult and mum to boot, … Continue reading

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