Tag Archives: christmas

Picture Books 2015

I take Christmas as an opportunity to splurge on picture books…for the children obviously! I spend ages perusing the shelves of our local Waterstones, drinking in all those beautiful pages. Here are some of my favourites from this year’s purchases… … Continue reading

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Back at my desk

I’m back at my little desk by the window looking out on blue skies. There haven’t been many of those around this Christmas holiday. It has rained and rained and rained. My sister-in-law lives in York and her house avoided … Continue reading

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Carols in the cathedral

Last week, I went with one of my friends to a carol concert at the cathedral. The Christmas market was in full swing along the streets around the cathedral green. Everywhere was twinkling lights and the smell of mulled wine. … Continue reading

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Here’s a quick screen shot of some new illustrations of mine for the Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution Christmas Campaign. It’s a fantastic cause so do head over and have a look by following this link.

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It is December and everyone is busy with the lead up to Christmas. In his chapter on December in his book The English Year, Steve Roud reports that, perhaps unsurprisingly, most of what we consider to be a traditional English … Continue reading

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A soggy week

It has been a soggy week in Devon and the house smells of Horlicks. Big Dreamer has been brewing a new batch of beer. The malty aroma has saturated every corner of every room. At the park Finch is enthralled … Continue reading

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The festivity that occupies the majority of Steve Roud’s chapter on September in his book, The English Year, is Harvest Festival. We have some friends who lived for a while in America and every year they celebrate Thanksgiving. While I’m … Continue reading

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Mental images

I’ve returned home from our festive travels with so many beautiful mental images. There was the Narnian lamppost in the churchyard on Christmas Eve, whose frosty halo lit my mum and I through the starlight night to Midnight Mass, the … Continue reading

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Big Dreamer stepped out on to the pavement this morning and went sprawling. “Watch out for the ice!” he shouted back through the letterbox and slid off to catch his train. Fortunately Finch, Little Owl and I form quite a … Continue reading

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Yesterday morning the day dawned white and crisp, not snow just yet, but a thick hoare frost. The pavements and roof tops glistened in the pink light of the rising sun. Little Owl let out a whoop of glee as … Continue reading

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