Category Archives: Family and friends

It’s raining again

Another rainy day in Scotland and not much chance of getting outside to run off some energy. The rain is pouring down in sheets and the other side of the valley is barely visible for the white cloud that hangs … Continue reading

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Aunty Elemee

Yesterday Little Owl and I had a visit from our friend Emily (Elemee to Little Owl). We went for a wander down by the river and there was a plethora of wild flowers to see. Many of our old friends … Continue reading

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‘Drink Me’

This weekend we traveled south to Oxfordshire for a wedding. The hedgerows were full of blossoming hawthorne. The season is much further on than in Scotland. Heavy laden hawthorne always reminds me of a section of the Leeds-Liverpool canal where Big Dreamer and … Continue reading

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Little Owl to the rescue

Yesterday the sun was shining (it’s not now!) so we headed out into the garden. Big Dreamer mowed the lawn and I made the brave choice of planting many of my seedlings out. It felt an even braver move after our … Continue reading

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Warm stove

Today was the submission day for my final project for the year and it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be. I produced a babies book and a magazine. I hope to build on these two items … Continue reading

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Dressing up

The drought in the South East feels a million miles away with the heavy rain we’ve had here. Between the downpours Little Owl and I crept out to collect nettle leaves for Big Dreamer’s annual batch of Nettle Beer. They’re … Continue reading

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Pace Eggs

Here are our Pace Eggs for Easter. I always plan to be more experimental with them and try lots of natural dyes but never quite manage it. Next year, next year! Little Owl had an Easter Egg hunt in the … Continue reading

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GOOD (it’s) Friday

I wasn’t sure we’d make it to Friday this week. On Tuesday Big Dreamer had a spectacular crash on a high and winding road in the snow. I’d like to say it wasn’t serious but it very much was. We … Continue reading

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My Dad loves to give away plants. If he’s got multiples, can split a root, or take a cutting, it’s yours. Often the plant arrives as a thin stick with one lone leaf if you’re lucky, but shove it in … Continue reading

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Mother’s Day

This morning Little Owl and Big Dreamer brought me breakfast in bed. They had made me this card and Little Owl made this picture at nursery. Big Dreamer had prepped her to say that it was a flower deconstructed! Mother’s … Continue reading

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