Category Archives: Family and friends

THE star

How are your Christmas preparations going? Are you leaving it all to the last minute or have you had it all organised for ages? Things are in full swing for us. Yesterday Little Owl was a star in her nursery … Continue reading

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An eventful journey

Having a high old time in London this week, Little Owl and I managed to be completely oblivious to reports of the impending storm that hit Scotland on Wednesday night. Oblivious that was, until we tried to go home on … Continue reading

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Country Living Christmas Fair

Little Owl and I have been off on our travels this week. We are heading down to London to visit friends but on our way we stopped off in Harrogate for the Country Living Christmas Fair yesterday. It was wonderful and … Continue reading

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Toadstools and learning

The paths down by the river are lined with enormous toadstools that look like creamy dinner plates laid out on a table cloth of gold and bronze autumn leaves. Yesterday we signed Little Owl up for school in September. There … Continue reading

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Bonfire Night excitement

This week the temperature dropped and the promised iciness of a few weeks ago is now here to stay. The morning frost that covers the garden has seen off the last off my nasturtium flowers that had been cheerfully hanging … Continue reading

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Morning sickness

At first Little Owl was quite perplexed by my Morning Sickness (read All-day Sickness). She would grab my shoulder and ask me what I was looking for down the toilet. Now she just quietly shuts the bathroom door on me … Continue reading

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Are you all still there? Did you survive the storm? Apart from it being a bit blustery here yesterday we knew nothing of it. We listened to the radio in awe as reports came in from the south of double … Continue reading

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Searching for brown

Yesterday a chill wind blew. It was laden with portents of ice and snow. Today the sheep dogs lounge in the sun on the steps from the farm yard. The weather is warm and mild again but we draw in … Continue reading

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Animal magic

A soft rain has been falling in Scotland since we arrived home. The last of the summer’s flowers are having a final burst before the season is out. Bumblebees cower in amongst the wilting blooms waiting for the showers to … Continue reading

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Little Owl’s collection of pebbles from the beach.

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