Category Archives: Family and friends

Danny, the Champion of the World

The hills that form the southern boundary to Edinburgh are called the Pentlands. On Friday they appeared purple and glamorous, wearing a peplum of rolling fog. Travelling in that direction to visit a friend, and eventually gaining enough height to … Continue reading

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Bonfire Night

Festivities and special days cluster around this time of year like a group of teenagers on a street corner. Then November stretches out in grey dreariness with nothing to break it up until the countdown to Christmas begins. If it … Continue reading

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We are back from a lovely week away in the southwest. Highlights included ice creams topped with clotted cream, walks by the sea, buying pollack on the beach for our tea (fresh from the fisherman who’d just caught it), sampling … Continue reading

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This weekend our boiler broke down. We had no hot water or heating just as autumn blew in. Boilers have a sixth sense about impending cold weather, and a masochistic sense of humour. It’s all fixed now, which is a … Continue reading

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Boating day

We spent an afternoon this weekend planting bulbs in two big troughs we have in the garden. One is a mixture of crocuses and tulips, the other is a combination of grape hyacinths and daffodils. The idea is that one … Continue reading

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First day of school

Finch and I waved Little Owl off this week for her first day of school. She confidently strode across the playground to meet her teacher in her new uniform, proudly clutching her lunchbox and book bag. A little less confidently … Continue reading

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Boat racing

This weekend we went along to the 25th annual cardboard boat race on the Union Canal in Linlithgow. I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard. Cardboard boats of all shapes and sizes had to navigate a course … Continue reading

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World War 1 Centenary

As many of you will know today marks the centenary of the start of World War 1. Our local library has a wonderful display all about it, with a selection of books for children about the war. I got Where … Continue reading

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Kite flying

We’re back!  And with a photo from the St Anne’s Kite Festival. We caught the tail-end (get it?! oh dear!) of the festival this weekend. Regular readers of this blog will know we’re a family who never miss out on a … Continue reading

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