Category Archives: Family and friends


I have been making draw string bags for the kids to hang on their coat pegs in the hall and store their seasonal gear in. I’m so tired of bundles of scarves, hats and gloves being wedged on top of … Continue reading

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At the weekend we celebrated Burns night with a gathering of friends and family. I know we’re not in Scotland any more but it seems a nice way of remembering our time there and celebrating some of the things we … Continue reading

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It’s my last chapter of Steve Roud’s The English Year and I have been savouring it, hence the reason I’m not posting about it until January is nearly over! Roud says that traditionally much more of January would have been … Continue reading

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Back at my desk

I’m back at my little desk by the window looking out on blue skies. There haven’t been many of those around this Christmas holiday. It has rained and rained and rained. My sister-in-law lives in York and her house avoided … Continue reading

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Happy New Year!

Fifteen minutes to go!!! Happy New Year everyone! Thanks again for all your support this year. Here’s to a happy and healthy 2016 for you all.

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Carols in the cathedral

Last week, I went with one of my friends to a carol concert at the cathedral. The Christmas market was in full swing along the streets around the cathedral green. Everywhere was twinkling lights and the smell of mulled wine. … Continue reading

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Christmas tree

At the weekend we headed off to the moors. The distinctive characteristics of each of the national parks in the UK is always a matter of fascination to me. From the rugged austerity of the Cairngorms to the rolling greenery … Continue reading

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A soggy week

It has been a soggy week in Devon and the house smells of Horlicks. Big Dreamer has been brewing a new batch of beer. The malty aroma has saturated every corner of every room. At the park Finch is enthralled … Continue reading

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A small patch of mould had started to form in a corner of the landing window frame. Little Owl spotted it and her eyes narrowed. “Hmmm,” she said to me, hands on hips. “We’ll have to tell the cleaner about … Continue reading

Posted in Family and friends, Growing things, Illustration | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment


Stephen Moss’ chapter on November in Wild Hares and Hummingbirds is noticeably shorter than the others. The landscape of the Somerset levels, where he lives, is sodden and dank. The birds of summer have left and the winter visitors are … Continue reading

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