Category Archives: Family and friends

Life lessons

Sunday morning was bright and clear. We put on our boots and headed up into the hills behind our house. In a meadow high above the city we sipped scalding hot chocolate out of flasks and munched on satsumas. Below … Continue reading

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I got my wish from last week’s post and we have indeed had a few more sunny days to see out the school holidays. The sun inspired us to have a go at making cyanotypes and you can see one … Continue reading

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Warm days

We are back from a wonderful week in Wales. My mind is filled with delicious images: the particular smell of the sea from the deck of a boat, the sounds of wading birds far out across the estuary early on a … Continue reading

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At the weekend we made it along to St Annes Kite Festival in Lancashire. We went a couple of years ago and this year was even better. So many more kites! It was really wonderful. The sun shone, the breeze … Continue reading

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The Wasps – Ouverture

Big Dreamer and I had a lovely evening out together this weekend. I know, out, together, in the evening! Shock horror! We left my lovely mum in charge. That’s not technically true. Little Owl was in charge, but my mum … Continue reading

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We’re in…and there are boxes everywhere! As I’m sure you can imagine Finch has been an enormous help with the house move. You know the sort of thing. Drawing all over the lounge walls in purple felt-tip, pushing nails into … Continue reading

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We are moving house again. This will be our third move in as many years. The difference with this move is that this is going to be our house. I honestly never thought we’d be able to say that, but … Continue reading

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On this blustery April day I would like to formally introduce Wren to the blog. Wren is the pseudonym for my new baby daughter who arrived this March. She’s a loud little thing so Wren suits her well. We think … Continue reading

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Baby Foley has finally arrived! I shall be back here blogging as soon as I can get myself organised…

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Human Cannonball

This morning we walked to school with an imaginary dragon flying behind us on a string. Little Owl had firm hold of the other end of the string so don’t worry, you weren’t in any danger. He is a silver … Continue reading

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