Category Archives: Family and friends

Henry Tomkins

If you’re wondering why I keep blogging about my birthday presents it’s because I received a few special ones this year as this birthday was a significant one. So no, I’m not just showing off how many presents I got … Continue reading

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Snow stops play

Here is an editorial illustration I did this week for Edinburgh University’s Insight Magazine. The illustration accompanies an article about how humans are more than a mathematical equation. Big Dreamer and I were surprised to look out of the window … Continue reading

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We bought Little Owl a swing for her birthday. It isn’t actually her birthday for a little while but Big Dreamer and I are rubbish at keeping secrets. Big Dreamer put it together today and Little Owl is pleased as … Continue reading

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World Book Day

This morning I spoke to an incredibly nice lady and about her stocking my cards in her exceptionally beautiful shop and gallery. The whole conversation was pleasant and positive but I still semi-died of nerves in the middle of the … Continue reading

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Big Dreamer is normally quite a subtle man but not on St Valentine’s Day and I received a highly suggestive card this morning. At heart he is mischievous so although he wants to be romantic he can’t quite bring himself … Continue reading

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Agate Hunting

This weekend we all headed down to London to stay with some very special friends of ours. The temptation with London is to dash around madly trying to see all the things going on. There was a children’s festival, an … Continue reading

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Ode to a Tumble Drier

Snow is pouring from the sky this morning. The ground and the sky are exactly the same blinding whiteness. I am grateful to the snow because it is covering over our lawn which was feeling quite sorry for itself with … Continue reading

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The mystery of the missing toast

This morning Little Owl was eating jam on toast for breakfast. Suddenly she said, “Oh, toast gone!” And it had gone. Like a flash, it had completely disappeared from her plate right under our noses. This was a real mystery. … Continue reading

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Icy mornings

            This weekend has been really cold and we have woken to thick hoar frosts covering the valley. Here are some of the wonderful ice formations we have found around about us. The days have … Continue reading

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Q. What is better than muddy puddles?

A. Muddy icy puddles. That was the opinion of Little Owl and Big Dreamer this afternoon anyway. We headed up into the Pentland Hills on the southwest edge of Edinburgh for a bracing winter’s walk. Little Owl and Big Dreamer … Continue reading

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