Category Archives: Family and friends

Drip drip

It poured on the school run this morning. The rain dripped off my hood, onto the end of my nose, and from there bounced off alternate knees. Wren screamed her head off when I put the rain cover on the … Continue reading

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Time for school

The skies are leaden and the day is blustery. The radio regales me with dire weather reports from Scotland; wind, rain and the chance of snow at rush hour tomorrow. Meanwhile I sit snugly at my desk and press Send … Continue reading

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Savouring slowness

Finch has a cold and has been wandering around the house wheezing like a little train. It’s gone to his chest and he’s asthmatic. He clamped on some child’s ear defenders from the bottom of the toy box proclaiming that … Continue reading

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October flowers (and nuts)

The weather was glorious at the weekend so we took the chance to get out on some lovely walks. We collected acorns, raced autumn leaves down a brook, crunched our way over beech husks, spotted a jay, and found a … Continue reading

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We are back from a lovely week in Wales. Here is a view from a sea cave we explored one day. The last day was showery (it being Wales and all) and we dived into a well-known department store for … Continue reading

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After the Storm

Yesterday an enormous storm rolled in and blew the power at Radio Devon. The kids and I watched in awe from the window as rain pounded the garden. Counting the seconds between lightening strike and thunder clap, the storm stalked … Continue reading

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Mad hattiness

Wren and Finch are big fans of carbohydrates. They would live entirely on bread, potatoes and pasta if they could. Finch’s potato passion reached new heights with this season’s jersey royals so he was utterly disgusted when we made a … Continue reading

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Walking the bounds

My Dad likes to take a “stroll around the block” of an evening. I think that’s an interesting expression because a “block” is an American term. We don’t really have blocks here do we? My Granddad on my Dad’s side … Continue reading

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Microwave conspiracies

My Dad has a conspiracy theory about microwaves. It goes like this. Whichever way he puts his mug of coffee into the microwave, it always finishes with the mug handle turned away from him when he goes to get it … Continue reading

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Ladybird lunch

Wren fell into the toy box like a sky diver this week; head first, arms back. All I could see was a pair of legs back-pedaling frantically. She also attempted to eat a ladybird. We’ve had loads of ladybirds in … Continue reading

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