Category Archives: Family and friends

NOT nesting

I hate the word nesting. I don’t mind it being applied to birds in spring because they are actually building nests but when it’s applied to pregnant women it makes me irate. It’s mostly because I don’t want it to … Continue reading

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Happy Mother’s Day

Have you seen this picture book? It’s called Paper Dolls by Julia Donaldson (of Gruffalo fame). I’m pretty sure Rebecca Cobb won an award for the illustrations but can’t think where I read that now (pregnancy brain!). Little Owl loves … Continue reading

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There’s no doubt that new born babies need a lot of stuff. The smaller they are the more stuff you seem to need to take around with you. There’s a whole market out there designed to play on every potential concern … Continue reading

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Winding down

Rain is pattering down on the kitchen window and three rooks are rooting around in the newly spread compost in the garden. After tonight there will only be two life drawing classes until the end of term. I am winding … Continue reading

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Strange conversations

Over tea yesterday I had one of those conversations you often have with a small child. It went something like this: Little Owl: That’s bozanne. Me: What’s bozanne? Little Owl: That. Me: The pepper pot is? Little Owl: Yes. Me: … Continue reading

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Mother and child

We are back in bonnie Scotland after our sojourn south. The valley is shrouded in low cloud and fine drizzle. It was lovely seeing my sister and my new niece but strange viewing those first intense weeks from the outside. … Continue reading

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Wee Hansel and Gretel

On Friday Little Owl and I went and did something really magical…we went to see the Scottish National Ballet perform a special children’s performance of their newest production of Hansel and Gretel. My scanner hasn’t done justice to the front … Continue reading

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New year, new life

The leaden skies and downpours have lifted this morning to reveal a bright and frosty landscape. It seems appropriate because yesterday evening I became an aunty for the first time! Well done to my wonderful sister who managed the whole … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas

What is it about small children that they always vomit in the middle of the night? It’s never in the middle of the day when you can see what you’re doing. The first bout came just as we were heading … Continue reading

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Christmas Party

The world and his wife were at the supermarket this morning, looking harassed as they manoeuvred brimming trolleys of Christmas goodies through the crowds. A friendly manager cheered everyone up in our queue by giving out chocolates. Fortunately we only … Continue reading

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