Category Archives: Family and friends


Down in the South West summer is still in full flow, it being 7 degrees warmer than it is at home in Scotland. This week Little Owl and I took a boat trip along the Devon coast to Torquay. Here’s … Continue reading

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Great tits

The title of this post is more apt than I’d care to admit. Big Dreamer spent Monday trying to sort out our poorly trailer tyre as we’re off camping again this weekend. As he stared disconsolately at it our ever-practical … Continue reading

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Kingfisher footage

Do you remember I mentioned that a kingfisher had been spotted on the river last week? It turns out it’s a nesting pair and the Farm Manager here, who is like our very own David Attenborough, caught some footage of … Continue reading

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First bites

Yesterday evening I got my first midge bites of the season. It’s the curse of Scottish summers. The sun finally comes out and you’re bitten to pieces. We were at the next village along from ours and that’s where I … Continue reading

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Solemn business

As I write the sky is a soft blue streaked with pink. The windows of the house are flung open. It has been a beautiful summer’s day and the long hours of daylight up here turn the evening into an … Continue reading

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At four o’clock yesterday afternoon we were asked to leave the illustration studio and the door was locked behind us. We all stood in the corridor like a load of sheep not knowing what to do with ourselves. Then from … Continue reading

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Fondant fancies

I’ve just been sent invaluable supplies by my mother-in-law to keep me going over the last couple of weeks of my degree. This little cube of cakey perfection is a Fondant Fancy from Betty’s Tea Rooms in Harrogate. If anything … Continue reading

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A First Book of Nature

Here are some pictures from a beautiful book Little Owl was given for her birthday called A First Book of Nature. I thought you might enjoy seeing it if you haven’t already. It’s by Nicola Davies, who was a Really … Continue reading

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Taking a breather

Little Owl is on her Easter holidays from nursery for the next two weeks. She’s going to spend next week with her grandparents but this week she’s with me. Hence my degree work has had to come to a halt … Continue reading

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