Category Archives: Family and friends

The Falkirk Wheel

The other day we visited the Falkirk Wheel. For those of you who don’t know (I didn’t before this week), the Wheel is a rotating boat lift (the only one of its kind in the world) opened in 2002 to … Continue reading

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Trapped in Tesco

It is no word of a lie to say that I spent most of one day this week trying to do our weekly grocery shopping. I began to wonder if I’d ever come out of the store alive. Since Finch … Continue reading

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We’re home from our holidays well-rested, well-fed, and generally restored. Here are some of my sketches from our time away. We had gorgeous weather and so spent a fair bit of time on the beach. A beach is one of the natural … Continue reading

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We’re off on our holidays to Wales tomorrow. As always with a small baby, we’re taking half the house. This is compensated for by my wardrobe, which is severely depleted by virtue of the fact that I can only get … Continue reading

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British Pathe

It was with great surprise and delight that we were alerted to a film clip by British Pathe. They’ve been releasing loads of archive films and who should turn up as the subject of one but my Granddad! The picture … Continue reading

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Nappy accident

An awful thing happened to Little Owl this week. I was changing Finch’s nappy in the lounge and she came running in to help. In her enthusiastic eagerness she didn’t look where she was stepping and put her foot right … Continue reading

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We have a lovely little baby boy! Just like Little Owl he’s got a pseudonym for blogging so, without further ado, may I introduce Finch to you all. I’ve gone for Finch because he’s got lovely dark dancing eyes like … Continue reading

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New arrival

Baby boy Foley has finally arrived! All went well. 8lbs 110z – ouch! We’re both at home and slowly getting into the swing of things. More news to follow soon…

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Connected at last

Finally we have Internet at the new house and I can blog again properly. I do remember the days before the Internet but find it hard to remember how we managed. I certainly wouldn’t have imagined myself writing a blog, … Continue reading

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On pregnancy

With my due date looming ever closer I have been thinking about how to describe what it is like to be pregnant. On the outside I look round and smooth (and enormous!), but on the inside I don’t feel the … Continue reading

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