Category Archives: Family and friends


I can’t even tell you how relieved I am that the Christmas tree is gone. I had it down on the 27th and wrestling it out of the back door was major catharsis. It wasn’t the tree’s fault. It was … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! Thank you for reading this blog and an enormous thank you for supporting me in all my illustration-related pursuits over the last year. Have a wonderful festive season.

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When do you think a regular activity becomes a tradition? This is our second year in Devon, Wren’s first Christmas, and Finch’s first Christmas that makes any sense to him. I think it’s a lovely phase in the life of … Continue reading

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The river returned quickly to its normal level after Storm Angus and this week has been full of bright frosty days. Little Owl loved riding her bike through crispy cold leaves on the way to school this morning. They made … Continue reading

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Storm Angus

The day is every shade of grey in the aftermath of Storm Angus. Rain is pounding down so hard the puddles are full of bubbles. Little Owl skipped nimbly between them on the way to school, while I trudged behind … Continue reading

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Phoning home

I saw a funny thing the other day. I was walking behind a mum pushing a pram ladened with shopping bags and a couple of small children holding on to the frame. I heard her say to one of the … Continue reading

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Christmas cards!

Little Owl became an official Brownie last night. Surrounded by her friends, who held glittering sparklers, she made her promise to do her best, be true to herself, develop her beliefs, to serve the Queen and community, to help other … Continue reading

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Dodgy dealings

Yesterday the day poured with rain and this morning there is a heavy mist draping itself over all the houses. Everything is still and quiet except for the occasional drip from a tree or gutter. Wren is well on her … Continue reading

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Carnival night

We are in the thick of carnival season here in the Southwest. This is the time of year when most towns near us will put on a brightly lit procession through the streets. Carnival night is all about preparation. It … Continue reading

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Nightwear hi-jinks

The days have remained golden here but the temperature has dropped. The heads of our sunflowers are bowing to the inevitable coming of autumn. The birds will have a feast from one specimen with a particularly enormous head. We’ll collect … Continue reading

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