Category Archives: Family and friends

Bonfire Night

A gusty gale blew in at the back end of last week. It blew the last of the autumn leaves to the ground where they were battered into brown sludge by heavy downpours. Seagulls wheeled in the leaden skies, shouting … Continue reading

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Back to school

Little Owl gazed sadly at her reflection in the mirror this morning. “I don’t look like myself,” she pronounced. Today is the first day of school after half term. I’ve scraped her curly blonde locks back into two plaits because … Continue reading

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Half term

If my voice sounds a little muffled it’s because it’s coming from underneath a pile of play dough, dressing-up clothes, and Lego. Normal service will resume…AFTER half term.

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Finch is at the stage where he wants to have a go at feeding himself and it’s a messy business. For someone like me, with a strong food waste conscience, it’s just about unbearable to watch. We spread a big … Continue reading

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Tying shoelaces

Little Owl’s new shoes are lace-ups so we are trying to teach her to tie them herself. I hadn’t given any thought to the multitude of ways you can tie a bow on a pair of shoes. Big Dreamer and … Continue reading

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There is only one word for last week and that is NOROVIRUS. I’ll say no more. It was awful. This morning Little Owl returned to school, every possible surface name-labeled except her forehead. I’m now sat at my desk with … Continue reading

Posted in Countryside, Family and friends, Wildlife | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment


We’re back from our holidays, our suitcases crammed full of happy family memories and a copious amount of stowaway sand.

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As today is the first day of the school holidays it has obviously poured with rain all day. Tomorrow we are off on our holidays to Pembrokeshire so have been packing. I’d like to promise sketches on my return but … Continue reading

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Rocket box

If you sat quietly in our living room you could be forgiven for thinking that we’ve got a fairly serious plumbing issue. From all corners of the room comes a steady chorus of dripping, punctuated with the odd bubble. There’s … Continue reading

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It’s been a momentous weekend in our house. Little Owl has had a wobbly tooth for ages and it finally fell out. She was having a water fight in the garden when her friend accidentally elbowed her in the jaw … Continue reading

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