
Photograph of flowers picked from allotment by Hannah Foley. All rights reserved (

To cut a very long story short, we are on day eight of cooking on a camping stove and washing up at the outside tap. The kitchen fitters who were supposed to be installing our new kitchen had to isolate after working in a house where there was a case of Covid, and the ones who were supposed to replace them, caught Covid somewhere else, and are in hospital. Goodness only knows when we’ll get our kitchen fitted, but in the mean time, I do wish them all a speedy recovery. The absolute irony is that we are booked to stay in a camping pod at the weekend… where we will be paying good money to cook on a camping stove, and wash up at an outside tap!

And that’s not all. Year 4 were turned away at the school gates this morning, the Headteacher only just having learned that a student in the bubble had tested positive for Covid. There hasn’t been a class off in Finch and Wren’s school since September, so this was a real shock. Just when everything seemed to be going so well, and so many plans made for July 19th.

I hope there is better news your end. Here is a cheering bouquet from the allotment. I think I’ve finally cracked cornflowers now I’ve given up direct sowing – isn’t that a bit of news to hearten us all πŸ˜‰ 

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