My first week back at college has been jam-packed with a mixture of activities. I’ve been drawing inky red kites (the bird that is) onto tracing paper to be stuck onto a window. I’ve made origami boxes to be filled with beads and hung on string to make a rattle. There have been multiple meetings about the plans for the year ahead. All in all it left me in a bit of a spin. Little Owl wanted things pinning down too.
“Lu picka me up?” she asked earnestly on the way to nursery.
“Of course,” I replied.
A few moments later she fixed me with a long stare. “Lu picka me up?”
“Yes, Little Owl. I’ll definitely pick you up.” She nodded and settled into her car seat, quietly sucking her thumb for the rest of the journey.
As the week draws to a close I can feel myself settling back down to it all too. Next week we start work on our proposals for our final year project. When it’s done I shall announce it here with much pomp and ceremony! Here is a drawing I did this week of a dappled beech wood on a bright sunny day.
Very, very nice page!