Category Archives: Family and friends

Special shoes

I know, I know…humour me. These are my bridesmaid’s shoes, just purchased today. Okay, now you can go back to the Olympics.

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Today we headed to a small town along the River Exe called Topsham. It was once a thriving port and many of the houses are in the distinctive style of the dutch merchants of the time. It’s full of little … Continue reading

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Southerly Sojourn

Little Owl and I have been packing today. It is time for our annual migration south. My family are all in Devon so we try to get in one big trip every year. This year Little Owl and I are … Continue reading

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The Isle of Skye

Apart from Orkney and the Shetlands I’ve never been too bothered about visiting the Scottish Islands. Whenever I’ve read about them there always seems to be a bit of an attitude towards visitors from ‘outside’ the islands and who wants … Continue reading

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In print!

Here’s my Vintage Edinburgh article for Pretty Nostalgic. As it was the first issue I’d not seen what the magazine would be like. It’s very different from what I was expecting. They’ve done a grand job with my article and … Continue reading

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I think Blackpool might be one of the strangest places I have ever been. Many of Big Dreamer’s family originate from this part of the world and today we were there to visit some of his mighty tribe. Given Little … Continue reading

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History and hares

This morning Little Owl and I took one of the back roads over the tops of the hills. The road climbs tightly and steeply, between thick verges bursting with cow parsley. Swallows dipped and darted in front of us. Taller … Continue reading

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Daisy, daisy

Today Little Owl and I crossed two fields full of daisies to sit on a stile we know. It has a platform at the top which is a perfect perch. We sat there singing Daisy, daisy at the top of … Continue reading

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East Neuk Open Studios

Today we went up to Fife for the East Neuk Open Studios event. The main draw (sorry, no pun intended!) for me was my old tutor from college, Jill Calder. Here is one of her cards. Jill is a superstar … Continue reading

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Wild waters

Here’s a little girl who is happy in the sun. The same can’t be said for us. After the deluge over the last week the weather has continued to be showery. Between the downpours we scurried down to the river … Continue reading

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