Are you all safe and dry? I hope so. Itโs been a wild one, hasnโt it? We got off lightly down here, although I havenโt been over to the allotment to see how the greenhouse has fared yet. Still, no flooding or power cuts. Watching the news, we feel very fortunate.
Our postman looked like a hero from a Greek saga this weekend as he handed over our bundle of post, battling the elements to get to our front door. I peeled open the packages addressed to me and the effect was like that of a washing powder advert, radiant sunshine lighting up my face as flowers floated upwards on the air and lambs gamboled from between the folds of the cardboard. My seed orders! I could almost smell Spring!
In amongst the seed packets came another very special package, equally full of pictures of glorious blooms. My advance copy of Billy Hippo 2…How Billy Hippo Learned His Colours! Written again by Vivian French, and published by Little Door Books, it will be out on March 5th. Itโs wonderful to get the real book through and hold it in my hands. The production is great on this edition, fantastic colours. Very exciting!
I waved Billy Hippo and my seed packets through the window at the grey skies of Storm Ciara as a warning. Winter, you are on your way out!
We are away next week for half term, on a jolly jaunt to see family in London, so no blog post from me, but I’ll be back the week after.