My arch enemies, the rabbits, had dug a big new hole under one of the pine trees at the end of our garden. Yes, actually inside the garden! The new burrow looked quite similar to Peter Rabbit’s burrow under the tree roots but I had to put aside sentimental feelings because I know from bitter experience that if I give an inch, they’ll take a mile. So today we took spades and filled it. There is a whole entire farm outside our garden so I hope they get the hint and move out.
Today was a blustery autumn day so after using our spades on the burrow we used them on the vegetable patch and soon warmed up. We pulled up the last few beetroot and dug in the manure that had been donated to us from the farm. I am assured it is an excellent vintage and has been stewing away for at least two years! We used the beetroot greens as an alternative to spinach in the fish pie we had for tea. It turned the creamy contents the colour of a marie-rose sauce. We can definitely recommend the substitution.