
Lion Tamer illustration by Hannah Foley. All rights reserved (’s my annual seed order sent off. I spent hours pouring over my preferred seed catalogue, comparing the descriptions of differing varieties of this vegetable and that, and weighing up whether to stick with a trusted favourite or experiment with something new. In the cold grey months of January I love this process. It’s a way of looking forward to spring and all the joy the garden will give us over the upcoming year. However, with a new baby imminent I have decided to be strict with myself this year; just one variety of tomato, a mixed salad leaf selection, and two types of annual flowers to cheer up pots and borders. I have also purchased a packet of lime to add to the soil to sort out the calcium deficiency that caused so many problems with my tomatoes last year. I should have put it in before Christmas but have waited and waited in vain for a dry day where it won’t all just get washed out. I’ve got to the point where I either do it now or it won’t have been taken up enough in the soil to be available to the plants so that’s a job for the weekend.

I am busily working away on a circus-themed commission and decided to have a go at turning some of my preliminary sketches into animations. They are nothing like the work that I’m producing for the commission and they’re a bit rough and ready but I do like them. Here’s a Lion-Tamer.

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