It has been very wet down our way. At the weekend we disturbed Meadow Browns from un-cut fields of hay, the butterflies still flying despite the showers. I suspect the farmers will be glad of the hot weather forecast to get it safely stowed in their barns.
The big news of the weekend was that Finch finally lost his first milk tooth. He has been waiting so long, his friends have been gappy for ages. The significance of the moment was not lost on him, and, as we lay on our backs on his bed, looking up through the skylights after bedtime story, his thoughts turned to the future. He had been considering what he would like to do for a job when he grows up. He reckoned these were his options:
A tennis/football player – inspired, unsurprisingly, by recent sporting events.
A computer programmer – they’ve been doing coding at school.
A tractor mechanic – he loves Reuben from Our Yorkshire Farm.
A super hero. Obvious really.
“What super powers do you have?” I asked.
“You don’t need super powers, Mum,” he scoffed. “Iron Man’s just a guy in a suit.”
I didn’t like to mention that Iron Man happens to be a billionaire in a suit. But Little Owl foresaw other obstacles.
“You don’t have the abs,” she told him.
But he wasn’t put off. “Give me chance – I’ve just lost my first tooth!”