The rain has finally stopped, and given way to frost, ice and spectacular wintery skies. A flock of long-tailed tits flew into the garden the other morning as I hung out the washing. They gathered on the Japanese maple, chattering loudly to each other, then flew off in one motion to explore our neighbour’s crabapple tree. There is something about long-tailed tits, fluffy lollipops in jolly unison, that makes me want to laugh.
Wren was to be a star in the school nativity this week but she turned her nose up at the star costume I offered her. No, she was adamant she would be wearing the second hand angel outfit from the dressing up box. She was so adamant about this that she didn’t just wear the angel costume for the nativity but has been wearing it all week, even in bed. She was briefly stumped by the logistics of a pair of wings and her coat but that didn’t last long. She put her coat on backwards and off we went to school.
Brilliant made Nonna and Grandad laugh. Bet she was the best star ever!