The river banks are full of the frothy plumes of Meadowsweet which scents the air with the smell of almond shortbread. I have been making the effort to try and walk home from work now and again. At three and half miles it’s a bit of a stretch but worth it for some peace and quiet. I leave the car in the surgery car park and follow my nose along the waterways, taking in the sights, smells and sounds of the season.
Back at home it is the last week of term. Sports Day is done. School reports are out. New teachers have been met. Big Dreamer had to carry Wren home over his shoulder in a screaming bundle yesterday after pre-school. Everyone is hot and tired. It was welcome relief this morning to see the window panes speckled with rain. The atmosphere has cooled and the parched ground has gratefully soaked up the moisture. I stuck my head out of the attic window and just caught a waft of almond shortbread on the breeze.
Mmm – didn’t realise I’d missed so many posts. Love the whites & greens of the photo – something so English Summer about it. Those fluffy panicles (or are they umbrels?) even have the colour of shortbread midst the white don’t they?