What a June it is turning out to be! We went to a local pub for lunch with some friends for Father’s Day. Inevitably the children could only sit at the table for limited length of time so we headed outside to the pub garden and play area. There we huddled under a sun shade as rain showers swept across the garden in sporadic outbursts! Despite the wetness, or maybe because of it, the world seems to be teeming with life everywhere we look. The water meadows by the river are full of birds and wild flowers. Finch and I found a golden frog sat in the middle of the manure heap at the allotment.
I also met a slow worm today. One of my patients lives at the end of a narrow tarmac path bordered by tall waving grasses. In a brief patch of sunlight this afternoon, I had to do a quick hop and jump to miss standing on the slow worm as he sunbathed on the warm tarmac. It took me more than a moment to register that this bronze squiggle was a real-live creature. I bent low in wonder. He calmly appraised me in return. I’m sure he was thinking, “Alright then, move along. Can’t a chap catch a little sun without being gawped at?” He wasn’t there on my return leg. Much to my disappointment.
Loving your posts! Slow worms are so beautiful! We had a hedgehog ambling across our garden and he decided to freeze and pretend he wasn’t obviously in the centre of the lawn! Oxford Reading Tree books are great. Early 80s, yes! Have you noticed the spectacles in each book and read the the brand of paint carefully..!
Oh that’s funny! Spectacles?! Brand of paint?! NO! How have we missed these things?! I’m going to have to go back and look!
Did you spot any? For the paint you have to be able to read backwards…. TATIBAH!!!!!
Don’t think I’ve ever seen a slow worm. It makes me chuckle when the animals you encounter converse with you……….. but then I know I talk to creatures without batting an eyelid……….