Daffodil meadows

The allotment is a Brexit-free zone. On Saturday, one of the volunteer coordinators was fiercely enforcing it.  As I planted my potatoes, I could hear her shout periodically, β€œI can hear you. None of that Brexit stuff round here please!” We escaped up to the fringes of Dartmoor on Sunday to a valley where there are meadows of wild daffodils. The kids splashed in the river. It was a glorious spring day, filled to bursting with sunshine. We heard a woodpecker drumming out its rhythm across the still sparse treetops. There were even butterflies amongst the daffodils.

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One Response to Daffodil meadows

  1. Evy Browning says:

    Sounds like you had a wonderful time on the moor’s edge. I haven’t seen that many daffodils for a very long time – delightful.

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