We’ve had some beautiful evenings here over the last week or so. Once the kids are safely in bed I’ve headed out to explore the riverbanks on my bike. One evening I saw my first swallow of the year, in fact, not just one but several. They darted jubilantly across my path. The setting sun glittered on the water’s surface, for all the world like a glinting Morse code, transmitting the news…summer is nearly here, summer is nearly here! A ladybird sunned itself on a fence post and a butterfly turned somersaults in the arch of low evening light under a railway bridge. Ducklings sped out from the undergrowth looking for their mother, startled by my pedaling. On a grassy bank a man in a smart suit held his shoes in his hand and walked bare foot with his trousers rolled up. He gave me a big smile and I knew what he was thinking: summer is nearly here!
This is a little illustration I did for Big Dreamer’s home brew labels. He likes science fiction if you’re wondering what the robot is about.
Wonderful imagery ! I love the summer too!
Thanks Clare