Tomatoes with Blossom End Rot. Image taken from: http://burke.ces.ncsu.edu/2014/07/blossom-end-rot-a-fixable-tomato-problem/
Things have gone very wrong with our tomatoes. We’ve had tons but the majority are marked by the same brown rash. It’s called Blossom End Rot. It’s a physiological problem caused by a lack of calcium getting to the fruit. Despite regular feeding and starting off with plenty of good compost we think this year’s wet august may be the culprit. According to my books, too much rain can dilute the amount of calcium available to the plants and this is the result. Although both the cherry tomatoes and the beef have suffered, it is worse with the beef tomatoes and I think this is probably my fault. Wandering around some nearby allotments this week I can see that I didn’t get rid of enough of the side branches (the cherry tomatoes are a bush variety so don’t have the same need) and I also planted them far too close together. Big Dreamer managed to salvage enough good bits to make a very nice green tomato chutney so all is not lost. And there is always next year!