Bright moon

Photograph from a life drawing class run by Hannah Foley ( is a photograph from my life drawing class last night. At the beginning of the class I set the students some exercises using collage to help them develop their understanding of shape and the human body.

On the way home I had to keep my nose glued to the steering wheel because a thick fog had descended. As I left the orange glow of the city and drove into the proper night of the countryside the near full moon caused the fog to glow. It was such an odd visual spectacle. Slow-moving plumes of fog were eerily lit from above. Even the red light at some mundane road works took on a sinister edge. Who might come roaring out of the luminescence while I waited for the lights to change? Halloween is not far away! I was glad to put my imagination firmly back in its box as the comforting lights of home came into view.

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