Here is a carpet moth I found cleverly camouflaged in the alley beside our house. Not to be confused with Tineola moths, whose larvae eat clothes and carpets. Epirrhoe alternata is called the Common Carpet moth because it looks like a patterned carpet, rather than because it eats them. I suppose they are real flying carpets! I have no idea if this is a common carpet or one of the other many carpets. Their patterns are quite variable. They are day-flying moths but you are most likely to see them flying around dusk.
We have had golden mornings here. I am glad of the soft and mellow feeling to the days as I travel to work and get to grips with e-rosters, door codes, smart cards and a list of e-learnings the length of my arm. Everyone is kind and helpful, and aware of how overwhelming these first days of a new job are.
Somehow these parts of the natural world are far easier than e-this & e-that, I long for the days of stock sheets being transferred onto stock cards & ordering being done on that visual basis not what the computer’s recorded (or thinks it has)……….. All the best as you move forwards
It’s definitely harder for those of us who are more visually or kinaesthetically-inclined. Thanks Evy