First day of school

Illustration of a little girl's sandals by Hannah Foley. All rights reserved ( and I waved Little Owl off this week for her first day of school. She confidently strode across the playground to meet her teacher in her new uniform, proudly clutching her lunchbox and book bag. A little less confidently Finch and I walked home. We sat down in the front room and looked at each other. What do we do now? Finch looked warily around him as if it to say, it’s awfully quiet mum. If in doubt it’s generally helpful to put the kettle on, so that’s what we did. What a weird mixture of emotions…pride, nostalgia, joy, sadness…topped off by a sure sense of how ready she was for this next stage in her little life.

Little Owl’s summary of her first day of school was that she was very busy going there, coming here, sitting down, and standing up. To be fair, school does involve lots of that. She seemed pretty keen to go back the next day so it can’t have been bad. Hopefully she’ll also do a bit of learning at some point and perhaps even have some fun!

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