Agate Hunting

This weekend we all headed down to London to stay with some very special friends of ours. The temptation with London is to dash around madly trying to see all the things going on. There was a children’s festival, an exhibition on illuminated manuscripts, not to mention the David Hockney show that would all have been wonderful. But this time we barely moved out of the borough and it was a good choice. We properly saw our friends and also got to sample some of the more local treasures including a micro brewery and a brilliant Mexican restaurant.

On the subject of treasures I am in this month’s issue of the BBC’s CountryFile magazine. I’m not appearing as an illustrator but a writer. Many of you will remember that I did an internship with them in the Autumn and they asked me to write an article on agate hunting in Scotland for a special feature on treasure hunting. I spent a brilliant day with agate hunter and jeweller Nat Forno, searching for agates on the beaches of Fife. Agates are a kind of stripy quartz. They are beautiful and easily found on Scottish beaches. Pick up a copy of CountryFile to read more about it!

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